Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fong, why 88% of 54% of 1 million Malaysian brain drain are in Singapore and of ethnic Chinese origin?

An excerpt from 'Malaysia’s brain drain getting worse, says World Bank' published in The  Malaysian Insider:
The economist said Malaysian migration was increasingly becoming a skills migration with one-third of the one million-strong Malaysian diaspora now consisting of the tertiary educated.
“Expect the trend to continue,” he said.
He added that the outflow of talent was not being replaced with inflows, thus damaging the quality of Malaysia’s “narrow” skills base, noting that 60 per cent of immigration into Malaysia had only primary education or less, even as the number of skilled expatriates declined by 25 per cent since 2004.
The report also noted that there was a geographic and ethnic component to the brain drain, with about 88 per cent of the Malaysian diaspora in Singapore being of ethnic Chinese origin.
“The numbers for US and Australia are similar,” said Schellekens.
Report figures also show that 54 per cent of the Malaysian brain drain went to Singapore while 15 per cent went to Australia, 10 per cent to the US and 5 per cent to the UK.
The top three drivers for brain drain identified by the report were career prospects, compensation and social justice.
“(Lack of) Meritocracy and unequal access to scholarships are significant push factors and a deterrent to coming back,” said Schellekens. “Non-Bumiputeras are over-represented in the brain drain.”

Tan Sri Dr Fong Chan Onn who has a PhD (some people say 'Permanent head Damage') cannot even diagnose the 'disease' that is 'inflicting' the Chinese community in Malaysia.

Today, The Star Online reported 'Fong: Stand is to give Chinese voters time to think'.

Fortunately, most Malaysian Chinese who can think have already left Malaysia for Singapore that practices meritocracy!

Fortunately also, Malaysian Chinese who are 'left behind' in Malaysia can also think and have already decided since the last general election to abandon the 'racist' policies practiced by Umno-led BN govt!

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