Thursday, May 28, 2015

Coming soon: June 1, 2015 - 8,000 @ MAS to lose their jobs and CEO Christoph Mueller on fate of 20,000 employees @

It is my duty to tell you today that the medicine is bitter and that the fitness programme which is required to bring us back into shape will cause a lot of sweat and sometimes tears. But it will be rewarding in the end.” Christoph Mueller - MAS CEO.

8,000 MAS Employees To Lose Their Jobs In The Biggest Staff Layoff Malaysia Has Ever Seen

What MAS CEO Christoph Mueller Has To Say About The Fate Of 20,000 Employees

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Video pasangan buat aksi seks di luar balkoni kondo @ Bangsar South KL couple's balcony sex acts @ @

Latest: has joined in the 'balcony bandwagon' in the story entitled:
10 Public Places In Malaysia Where People Were Caught Or Admitted To Having Sex At

Happened to visit a friend's Facebook timeline last Sunday and saw the video.

Link here:

News about this couple has gone viral - just google:
couple sex balcony bangsar south

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sultan Johor gesa sekolah Inggeris satu aliran - Majulah Singapura! Malaysia Boleh! @

Bandingkanlah laporan dari Malaysiakini dan laporan dari Utusan. Dua-dua pun mengatakan bahawa Sultan menggesa...

1:00PM - 7 May 2015

Sultan Johor gesa sekolah Inggeris satu aliran

Sultan Johor menggesa orang ramai mencontohi Singapura yang membentuk perpaduan rakyat melalui sistem pendidikan satu aliran menggunakan pengantar bahasa Inggeris.

"Walaupun Johor dan Singapura berkongsi banyak persamaan, tetapi kemajuan yang dicapai oleh Singapura jauh lebih pantas.

"Satu perkara menarik yang boleh kita contohi daripada Singapura adalah perpaduan rakyat yang telah dibentuk daripada sistem pendidikan asas satu aliran dan menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar.

"Ia telah terbukti berkesan dalam pembangunan negara dan penyatuan masyarakat berbilang bangsa," titah baginda dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Johor.

Utusan Malaysia

Friday, May 8, 2015

Cemuh tak cemuh, prinsip tetap prinsip #NoSecondChance for paedophile Nur Fitri @ MARA sex offender @

The People Have Spoken. There Should Be #NoSecondChance For Paedophile Nur Fitri

Are Good Grades A Justified Reason To Give Child Porn Offender Nur Fitri A Second Chance?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport crash @ DUKE: Couple, baby DIED. Geng Familia MYVI Club (FMC) berlumba @


9 Facts You Should Know About The DUKE Highway Crash That Killed 3 Including A Baby

Now, the culprits are on the defensive.
We were not racing, claim Myvi club members


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