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One shameful moment:
[VIRAL VIDEO] Isteri Mat Yo Marah Pengawal Keselamatan
One proud moment:
[PHOTO] The Heroic Moment A Policeman Tells a Suicidal Mother to not Kill Herself
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Over the weekend: Miley Cyrus nip slip @ Las Vegas - Rosmah hangouts with Kimora Lee Simmons @ San Francisco -
Miley Cyrus Suffers Nip Slip During Performance
While Najib Is Attending Meetings in San Francisco, Rosmah Is..
@ OfficialKimora Instagram
While Najib Is Attending Meetings in San Francisco, Rosmah Is..
@ OfficialKimora Instagram
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
[VIDEO] iPhone 5S Can Recognize Nipples! 66-Year-Old Man Loses Penis for Trying to Impress Girlfriend
Watch video @ Facebook News
Meanwhile, @
Meanwhile, @
66-Year-Old Man Loses Penis for Trying to Impress Girlfriend
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Race marshal ploughed by superbike @ Sepang International Circuit died @ Putrajaya Hospital - -
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Larang abu Chin Peng jadikan kita bahan ketawa: Bekas KPN, Abdul Rahim. No law to stop ashes being brought back: Wan Junaidi
Larang abu Chin Peng jadikan kita bahan ketawa, kata bekas KPN
September 21, 2013
Latest Update: September 21, 2013 01:05 pm
Latest Update: September 21, 2013 01:05 pm

Bekas Ketua Polis Negara (KPN) Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor memberi amaran Malaysia akan menjadi bahan ketawa jika kerajaan tidak berganjak daripada keputusan `naif’ dengan enggan membenarkan abu mayat Chin Peng (gambar) dibawa masuk ke dalam negara untuk ditanam.
Menurutnya, tindakan itu juga akan menyebabkan bekas pemimpin komunis itu bertukar menjadi ikon dan ia adalah langkah terkebelakang dalam cubaan kerajaan untuk memenangi semula sokongan masyarakat Cina berikutan prestasi buruk dalam pilihan raya umum yang lalu.
“Masyarakat heboh mengenai abunya tidak dibenarkan dibawa masuk ke Malaysia. Pertelingkahan ini berlanjutan keterlaluan. Saya fikir ia sedikit naïf.
“Jika kerajaan tunduk kepada tekanan awam untuk tidak membenarkan abu mayat Chin Peng dibawa balik, saya fikir, kita akan membuat Malaysia ditertawakan oleh seluruh dunia,” katanya ketika ditemubual dari United Kingdom yang disiarkan BFM semalam.
Abdul Rahim, yang juga pengarah Cawangan Khas pada masa itu, mengetuai rundingan damai yang akhirnya mencetuskan Perjanjian Damai Haadyai 1989 – yang mengakhirkan secara rasmi pertempuran ahli Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) yang bersenjata dengan kerajaan..
Penolakan untuk membenarkan Chin Peng pulang ke negara ini ketika beliau masih hidup, katanya, juga seperti mengejek dan memperolok-olokkan perjanjian damai itu.
Katanya, beliau pada masa itu meyakinkan kerajaan untuk berbincang dengan komunis, lebih 30 tahun selepas kegagalan rundingan Baling pada 1955.
Beliau berkata, walaupun Darurat 12 tahun tamat pada 1960, pasukan keselamatan masih bertempur dengan sisa komunis pada 1980-an, tetapi penolakan terhadap komunisme dalam kawasan adalah peluang untuk memperbaharui rundingan damai.
Pada masa itu, katanya, masih ada kira-kira 2,000 komunis sepanjang sempadan Malaysia-Thailand, dengan dua kumpulan terbesar ialah Biro Malaya Utara dan Rejimen ke-10 yang sebahagian besarnya ialah orang Melayu.
Beliau berkata, dengan sokongan perdana menteri pada masa itu, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Cawangan Khas secara rahsia mengadakan rundingan dengan komunis pada penghujung 1987 dan awal 1988 di pulau Phuket yang bertahan untuk lima pusingan.
Hasilnya, perjanjian damai 1989 ditandatangani di Haadyai merangkumi dua persetujuan, satu mengandungi dua terma utama dan satu lagi butiran pentadbiran mengenai bagaimana terma berkenaan akan dilaksanakan.
“Saya terbabit dalam merangka kedua-dua persetujuan, jadi saya mempunyai pengetahuan penuh bahawa mengikut terma persetujuan itu, semua perjanjian itu mengikat setiap ahli PKR, daripada yang tertinggi, paling utama hingga ke bawah, paling bawah.
“Jadi jika anda kata Chin Peng, sebagai setiausaha agung parti itu adalah ahli paling tinggi, maka dia layak mendapat semua kelebihan seperti dijanjikan dalam perjanjian itu, yang termasuk membenarkan beliau untuk kembali ke Malaysia,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, menurut perjanjian itu, dalam keadaan di mana bekas ahli komunis itu tidak dibenarkan secara tetap pulang ke Malaysia, mereka patut dibenarkan memasuki negara atas kebenaran lawatan sosial.
“Tetapi dalam kes Chin Peng, dia tidka dibenarkan kedua-duanya. Pada saya, ia tidak masuk akal. Ia tidka adil. Ada bekas komunis lain yang dibenarkan untuk balik dan mereka kebanyakannya Melayu,” katanya.
“Abdullah CD (pengerusi PKM) dibenarkan balik ke Malaysia dan diberi pengampunan oleh Sultan Perak. Rashid Maidin (ahli jawatankuasa pusat PKM), saya diberitahu menunaikan haji menerusi Kuala Lumpur dengan bantuan pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Apa semua ini?,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, beliau tidak bersedia untuk mengandaikan bahawa keputusan kerajaan itu ada kaitan dengan perkauman dan pada pendapatnya dalam isu Chin Peng, kerajaan tidak menghormati perjanjian damai itu.
Beliau berkata, masyarakat nampaknya tidak faham konteks perjuangan komunis antarabangsa dan menganggap pemberontakan 40 tahun komunis di Malaya adalah pergaduhan Chin Peng seorang dri dan hanya dia seorang yang mengarahkan semua tembakan dan pembunuhan.
“Saya tidak tahu mengapa ia jadi seperti ini (Chin Peng lawan kerajaan). Hakikatnya ialah baik atau buruk – apa pun Chin Peng itu, latar belakangnya ialah perjanjian damai sudah ditandatangani. Kita patut menghormati terma dan syaratnya,” katanya.
Chin Peng menghabiskan sepertiga hidupnya dalam buangan di Thailand.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebelum ini berkata, kerajaan tidak akan menarik diri daripada pendiriannya untuk menghalang abu mayat Ching Peng dibawa balik dan mencabar mereka yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan itu untuk mengambil langkah undang-undang.
Semua pintu masuk ke dalam negara berada dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga, kerana kerajaan bimbang abunya dibawa masuk.
Semalam, parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN), MCA juga melahirkan pendapat bahawa mayat Chin Peng patut dibenarkan pulang ke sini untuk kali terakhir.
Pengerusi biro publisiti parti itu, Datuk Heng Seai Kie berkata, mayat pengganas Dr Azahari Husin dan Nordin Mohamad Top dibenarkan untuk dikebumikan di Malaysia.
Kumpulan hak Melayu, Perkasa, bagaimanapun, memberi amaran kepada MCA supaya parti itu jangan menimbulkan kemarahan orang Melayu dengan mendesak Putrajaya membenarkan abu mayat Chin Peng dibawa balik ke sini.
Setiausaha agungnya, Syed Hassan Syed Ali, berkata ramai orang Melayu dan Cina mati dai tangan komunis yang diketuai Chin Peng ketika pemberontakan.
Chin Peng atau nama sebenarnya, Ong Boon Hua, meninggal dunia di hospital di Bangkok pada Hari Malaysia, sebulan sebelum hari lahirnya yang ke-89. Beliau ketika hayatnya berulang kali menyuarakan hasratnya untuk dikebumikan di kampungnya di Sitiawan, Perak.
Chin Peng lari ke China pada 1961 dan kemudian tinggal di Bangkok di mana dia diberikan pasport asing.
Beliau dilaporkan berpindah ke Haadyai beberapa tahun lalu dan berulang alik dari Haadyai ke Bangkok untuk mendapatkan rawatan penyakit barah.
Beliau dilantik sebagai setiausaha agung PKM pada usia 23 tahun dan menjadi “musuh nombor satu” British di Asia Tenggara ketika pemberontakan komunis di Malaya. – 21 September, 2013.
No law to stop Chin Peng’s ashes being brought back, says Deputy Home Minister
September 21, 2013
Latest Update: September 22, 2013 07:07 am
September 21, 2013
Latest Update: September 22, 2013 07:07 am

“There is nothing any of the authorities can do. We have no laws to stop the ashes from being brought in or penalise anyone carrying the ashes in,” said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (pic) after closing a career carnival at the Islamic complex in Kuching today.
His statement closely followed a warning by former police chief Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor that Malaysia risked becoming a laughing stock to the world if it refused to allow Chin Peng’s ashes to be interred in the country.
Wan Junaidi, who fought the communists at the height of the Malayan emergency in Sarawak, said he wouldn't know how the authorities would deal with anyone found carrying an urn with Chin Peng's ashes at the airport.
“I can't imagine it," he said, adding he was not aware of any law to stop such an act.
And even if there were such laws, it would be difficult to prevent the ashes from being smuggled by those determined to do so, he added.
“There's nothing the government can do about it,” said Wan Junaidi, a lawyer.
Najib had on Friday said Putrajaya would not budge from its stand and challenged those unhappy with the decision to seek legal redress.
"The government has decided and those unhappy with the decision can challenge it in court," he said.
Wan Junaidi said that Putrajaya feared that allowing Chin Peng's remains into the country might have repercussions. He said the government feared Chin Peng's supporters would build a shrine at the site where his remains would be interred, even adding that such a site could stir a communist revival.
Wan Junaidi denied that the government's decision was racist, a charge made by Barisan Nasional's key partner, MCA. The Chinese party had contrasted the decision to the stance taken by Putrajaya in letting the bodies of two Malaysian terrorists be returned from Indonesia to be buried in their hometowns.
“It's not a question of race. It's all about his fight, his struggle and who he fought. If Chin Peng was a Malay, an Iban, a Kadazan or a Dusun, his ashes too would not be allowed back into the country. He was a communist who fought against the government of the day. He did not only fight the British.
“If he had stopped fighting after the British left, then history would have been different. He did not. He fought well into the 80s, well after Malaysia was formed,” explained the former deputy speaker of Parliament.
MCA publicity bureau chair Datuk Heng Seai Kie, in making the comparisons, had referred to the late Dr Azahari Husin and Nordin Mohamad Top, both accused of bombings in Indonesia between 2002 and 2005.
This was immediately countered by Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who said: "Those terrorists did not kill our military or police personnel, or our people."
Friday, September 20, 2013
OldTown White Coffee @ Sri Manja Square One, PJ: Snatch theft victim 27-year-old Go Lee Kun died after 5-day coma -
So sad...the authorities, especially the police, seem to be so helpless...can't do anything to curb crimes...
Thursday, September 19, 2013
@ Dataran Merdeka: Wong Tack Bury Lynas vs DBKL officers who LEPAK. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival -
Bury Lynas with 1,000,000 Signatures
Kuburkan Lynas dengan 1,000,000 Tandatangan
In the meantime, watch the video @ Facebook News
Bury Lynas with 1,000,000 Signatures
Kuburkan Lynas dengan 1,000,000 Tandatangan
In the meantime, watch the video @ Facebook News
Sunday, September 15, 2013
[VIDEO] Smash-and-grab: Two men on motorbike smashed side window of car @ Jalan Tebrau, Johor Baru: Singaporean victims - -
Quite normal for occurrences such as this one to happen or should I say a so-called common standard operation procedure or modus operandi of snatch thieves in Malaysia?
Couple fearful after losing handbag during smash-and-grab in JB

The victims showing how the thief snatched Ms Fie’s handbag after smashing the car window.
Rennie Whang
The New Paper
Sunday, Sep 08, 2013
- A smash-and-grab incident in Johor Baru has not only left a
Singaporean couple in shock, but also in fear that they might no longer
be safe in their own home.
Ms Fie, 41, a property agent, and her husband, who only wanted to be known as Mr Muka, 42, had gone to Johor Baru via the Causeway on Tuesday afternoon with their younger daughter, Angel, to shop at a Giant supermarket.
They were in the car when two men on a motorcycle smashed the front passenger side window and snatched a handbag containing Ms Fie's identity card and the keys to their Bukit Batok flat.
Said the property agent: "The handbag had everything - my IC, driver's licence, three bank cards, work security pass, house keys, car keys. The IC has our address. I'm afraid they can come to my flat anytime.
"At night, I can't sleep. I keep waking up thinking of the sound of someone smashing our windows."
In fact, the couple is so fearful that they have placed their two daughters, aged seven and 16, and son, 14, with Ms Fie's sister for the next few days and are changing the locks to their flat.
Mr Muka, who was driving, had stopped at a red traffic light at Jalan Tebrau at about 5.45pm when a motorcycle pulled up next to the front passenger window.
The next thing Ms Fie knew, the window had shattered and someone had grabbed her handbag.
Video @ Facebook News
Ms Fie, 41, a property agent, and her husband, who only wanted to be known as Mr Muka, 42, had gone to Johor Baru via the Causeway on Tuesday afternoon with their younger daughter, Angel, to shop at a Giant supermarket.
They were in the car when two men on a motorcycle smashed the front passenger side window and snatched a handbag containing Ms Fie's identity card and the keys to their Bukit Batok flat.
Said the property agent: "The handbag had everything - my IC, driver's licence, three bank cards, work security pass, house keys, car keys. The IC has our address. I'm afraid they can come to my flat anytime.
"At night, I can't sleep. I keep waking up thinking of the sound of someone smashing our windows."
In fact, the couple is so fearful that they have placed their two daughters, aged seven and 16, and son, 14, with Ms Fie's sister for the next few days and are changing the locks to their flat.
Mr Muka, who was driving, had stopped at a red traffic light at Jalan Tebrau at about 5.45pm when a motorcycle pulled up next to the front passenger window.
The next thing Ms Fie knew, the window had shattered and someone had grabbed her handbag.
S'porean couple live in fear after JB smash-and-grab
September 6, 2013 - 12:28am

TNP PHOTO: Gavin Foo
A smash-and-grab incident in Johor Baru has not only left a Singaporean couple in shock, but also in fear that they might no longer be safe in their own home.
Ms Fie, 41, a property agent, and her husband, who wanted to be known only as Mr Muka, 42, were in their car in Johor Baru when two men on a motorcycle smashed the front passenger side window and snatched a handbag containing Ms Fie’s identity card and the keys to their Bukit Batok flat.
The couple are now traumatised and fear the thieves could come to their home in Singapore. They have since sent their children to live with relatives.
Two Malaysians speaking to The New Paper advise Singaporeans to keep a look-out for motorcyclists, as many crimes in Malaysia are committed by crooks on motorbikes.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
@ Kee Hin Old Klang Road: Two new Michelin tyres, one free Michelin power bank -
My first time changing tyres here.
Open for business at 8:30 AM.
Closed on Sundays.
It is located on Old Klang Road.
You won't miss the MICHELIN.
Old Klang Road from Mid Valley.
Jalan Telok Gadong faces shops.
New tyre: RM235 for each tyre.
The 3D alignment equipment.
The Power Bank FREE gift. 8-)
Address of Syarikat Kee Hin:
2, Jalan Telok Gadong 3 1/2 Miles Jalan Klang Lama 58100, Kuala Lumpur
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Naked Miley Cyrus in new "Wrecking Ball" video: 56,716,510 hits so far -
Miley Cyrus overtakes One Direction to break the most-viewed record... as her nude Wrecking Ball video attracts 12.3MILLION viewers in just 24 hours
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
I guess the only reason she could break the record is she went nude in the video. What a cheap celebrity!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
[VIDEO] Nepalese man falls to death from roof near Starbucks @ TTDI - @ @
[NEW UPDATE] Nepalese Man Falls to Death From Roof in TTDI
Man Commits Suicide in TTDI
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Nick meets Nik: Nick Vujicic meets Malaysian family from Terengganu @ Sunway BHP: Story @ - 9GAG
A Malaysian family of girl with no arms and legs drove seven hours to meet Nick Vujicic. Touching photos ensue.
Love in action... @ StART Society:
Story by the man himself, Nick Vujicic:
Friends, I have an incredible story to share about a family I met in Kuala Lumpur.
When they heard I would be speaking in Kuala Lumpur, they drove seven hours to come try and meet me, only to arrive and find the speaking event was already filled. After patiently waiting more than 4 hours for us to leave the venue, they managed to track down which van I was in. That in itself was no easy task, as there was quite a bit of commotion exiting the event, and our convoy was made up of three different vans which carry the team and our gear.
They followed behind us, planning on saying hello whenever we reached our destination. When we stopped for fuel, they came running out of their car. Our host, Joshua, saw them coming up to the van and said to me, "Wow, you'll never believe what I'm seeing. There's a family with a girl who has no arms and no legs, and they're coming to see you."
We all immediately recognized that moment as a divine appointment.
Her mother was crying, her father's face face shining with joy. My heart was so drawn to them, even after chatting for just a short while. After a few hugs and kisses, and praying together, I invited them back to our hotel for a meal and some fellowship. There I learned that her nickname is actually Nik, her father is a doctor, and her mother is nurse. Like my own family, they had no idea Nik would be without limbs until she was born. We had a great discussion over dinner, and I look forward to keeping in touch and encouraging them as much as possible in the future.
It's meetings like these that remind me how love can bring together some of the most diverse people. I love that love knows no bounds.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
-1 Corinthians 13:13 @
be inspired
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
[VIDEO] White BMW coupe WYJ 3255: BMW Hit and Run! Caught on tape! Owner or driver with address @ Dutamas Kensington -
Apparently, the details of the driver or owner of the BMW are as follows:
WYJ 3255
@ Facebook News (
WYJ 3255
@ Facebook News (
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Sexual lust and desire for offspring made woman crazy for Bosnian bloke, Ervin Ahbabovic and his sperm?!
And now, this is the latest news update from
Read more: Woman sued by Bosnian ex-lover seeks to settle case - General - New Straits Times
In sex, lies and child, Bosnian sues girlfriend for just wanting his European genes
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sex-deprived marriage, domestic violence: Shahnaz (Sheila Majid's sister) assaulted in car, home, even long bath by Abu Bekir
Why Shahnaz stayed with Taib’s son through years of violent abuse
September 02, 2013
Latest Update: September 02, 2013 01:20 pm
Shahnaz A. Majid wept in court today as she recounted the physical,
emotional and mental trauma she suffered during her marriage to Datuk
Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir Abdul Taib, the son of the Sarawak chief minister.
In between sobs, Shahnaz related how she was beaten, punched, kicked
and assaulted from 1994 to 1998 and the reasons why she stayed with her
husband despite being abused.
"Usually, there was no specific reason for his violent behaviour. We
would be talking, I would disagree with him and he would just beat me
up," she said when questioned by her counsel, Akbardin Abdul Kader, at
the Syariah High Court in Kuala Lumpur today.
"He would hit me on the head, shoulder and even kick me in the stomach."
And despite all this, Shahnaz admitted she did not lodge any police report nor seek medical treatment.
"How could I? His family is very influential in Sarawak. His father is
the chief minister (Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud) of the state. I can't
embarrass him. I must guard my ex-husband's good name.
"I did on one occasion tell his sister but nothing changed. So what else could I do? Just take it all, pray and be patient."
Shahnaz, who is jazz singer Datuk Sheila Majid's sister, was testifying
in the trial of her application to get RM300 million in matrimonial
properties and RM100 million in gifts (mutaah) as a divorce settlement.
Shahnaz, 50, is also claiming 50% of all assets owned by Mahmud Abu
Bekir. These include luxury cars, houses in various locations, land in
Sarawak and shares.
The divorce settlement proceedings are shining a light on the purported wealth of the Sarawak chief minister's family.
In court papers filed during her divorce application, Shahnaz had
sought to have Mahmud Abu Bekir's assets - among which she listed seven
luxury cars, thousands of hectares of land in Sarawak and shares in 15
companies - declared as joint property and for it to be halved.
Shahnaz and Mahmud Abu Bekir were married on January 9, 1992, and they have a son, Raden Myura Abdul Taib Mahmud, 20.
They were married for 19 years and four months before Mahmud Abu Bekir filed for divorce on May 11, 2011.
She said she was assaulted at her home, in the car and even in a long
bath in her bathroom, she told the court today. - September 2, 2013.
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