Thursday, December 31, 2009

Court declares 'Allah' ban invalid

UPDATED 8.35 PM In a landmark judgment, the Kuala Lumpur High Court presented the Catholic Church a belated Christmas present by ruling that the Home Ministry’s blanket ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ is illegal.

In making the decision to allow the motion by the Catholic Church to set aside the ban, High Court judge Lau Bee Lan stated that the minister's order is "illegal, null and void" and said that Catholic weekly The Herald can use the word 'Allah' and that the term is not exclusive to Islam.

In addition to that,
Justice Lau said that the home ministry also failed to substantiate any of its claims of threats to national security which could be caused by the use of the word 'Allah' by the Herald.

For Ku Li, striking oil has turned into a curse

According to the Petronas founder, the original plans of the oil giant did not include over-producing oil to pay for billions of ringgit worth of unnecessary government projects.

The 'go go years' are over and our 'oil lottery' money is fast depleting mainly due to mismanagement by the powers-that-be, decried veteran politician Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah,

According to the Petronas founder, the original plans of the oil giant did not include over-producing oil to pay for billions of ringgit worth of unnecessary government projects.

"It started with this (defence equipment purchase) agreement with (then British prime minister) Margaret Thatcher, and suddenly the production of oil was doubled from 650,000 barrels per day to over a million barrels a day (to fund the purchase). That was too much for us," he said.

(Source: Mkini - Support Mkini - Subscribe to Mkini!)

Teoh Beng Hock is the Newsmaker of 2009

Ok, I spilled the beans and spoilt the fun of guessing WHO, according to Malaysiakini, the Newsmaker of 2009.

The late Teoh Beng Hock was an earnest, diligent and reserved person whose often expressed intention was to serve in politics and work towards a better Malaysia. Coming from a humble family (his father was a taxi driver while his mother a dedicated home maker) and the second youngest of five children, he was the first in his family to have ever attended university.

From his days as a reporter to Sin Chew Daily to the day he was an aide to Ean Yong, the
state assemblyperson who at the age of 29 went on to become the youngest state exco after the March 8 olitical tsunami, Teoh Beng Hock remained in the memories of many as one who had the habit of often talking on his handphone while walking towards his date with destiny in the office of the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission). May justice prevail for Teoh Beng Hock in 2010.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Families are meant to stay together or die together

'Familes are mean to stay together' is the tagline for a van.

Sadly, a father and his three sons died together in this van. Today is a sad day for me when I found out that the father was someone I knew years ago.

An excerpt from NST Online 'Man and two sons die in burning van after crash':
As flames were engulfing their van, Tan Yee King prayed that someone would rescue her and her toddler.Her prayers were answered when passers-by rescued the 37-year-old mother and her 2-year-old son Ong Zhen Li.

Both of them were in the front passenger seat of their Nissan Vanette before it burst into flames.

Below is the 'briefs' version of The Sun on the same story:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

altantuya Najib reveals two key principles which keep BN relevant

KUCHING, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional (BN), the ruling party of the government, must observe two main principles - forward thinking and giving priority to the needs of the people through an efficient delivery system - so that BN can remain relevant said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Najib said to become a more efficient government, BN should not just look at the past but look at what BN must do for the people today and in the future.

"There is no denying that BN has contributed tremendously to the people but by improving the knowledge of the people through better infrastructure for education, the people want to know what we (BN) are doing today and for the future," he told reporters after opening the Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party's (SPDP) general assembly at Dewan Suarah Kuching here Tuesday.
Yes, BN has contributed tremendously to the people at the people's expense!

Non-Malay Muslim can be Kelantan MB

The Kelantan PAS government is prepared to amend the state constitution to enable a non-Malay Muslim to become MB.

Last year, when Obama was set to become the first non-white president of America, there were many remarks made about the possibility of having a non-Malay PM in Malaysia. Mahathir, after delivering a keynote address on “Bangsa Malaysia” at the Perdana Leadership Foundation, told reporters:
But when you talk about having a non-Malay as a PM, you are being racist yourself because you shouldn’t ask the question if one is Malay or non-Malay. f he is acceptable to all Malaysians, yes, he can become PM. The specification is that he must be the leader of the majority party.
Then, we have the opinion in - 'After Obama, Even A Non-Malay Can Be PM'.

So, what is this talk about non-Malay or non-Malay Muslim as PM? Why must we be divided along racial and religious lines? Can we not accept one as a PM if he has proven to the people that he is a man (or a woman!) of principle regardless of his race or religion?

Top 10 news of 2009 as seen by Malaysiakini

NONEThe prince and the teen model

The 'fairy tale' marriage of Indonesian teen model Manohara Odelia Pinot and Kelantan prince Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra soured early this year, creating a media feeding frenzy with her sensational allegations of torture, kidnapping and rape.

NONEFlip-flop education policy

After years of hedging, the government reversed the policy of teaching science and mathematics in English, six years after it was introduced by then-prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

NONECops: Killers or protectors?

Some things never change. Police abuse was No 7 in our top 10 news of the year for both 2003 and 2004. It made a reappearance this year.

NONEBloody protest in Shah Alam

It was a small protest numbering about 50 odd people but it grabbed headlines and was widely viewed as a shocking display of religious insensitivity.

NONEDeath in MACC: Murder or suicide?

On July 16, the death of a young man demolished whatever little credibility was left in the barely one-year-old Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

NONEThe year of by-elections

There were nine by-elections this year and the 2008 political tsunami continues to stalk the BN. The ruling coalition failed to regain ground in six of the contests.

NONEThe mother of all scandals

They called it the mother of all scandals. The entire project could cost taxpayers up to RM12.5 billion and the fate of a number of once powerful politicians hangs in a balance.

NONEMCA power struggle: No end in sight

MCA's 60-year history has been littered with never-ending power struggles, but the latest infighting is living proof of the validity of the sayings "Politics is the art of the possible" and "There are no permanent enemies in politics".

NONEFrom prime minister to 'prime sinister'

While not actually hailed as saviour, Najib's ascension to the throne of prime minister was a blast of fresh air after six drowsy years under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. But it was not long before public perception of him changed from prime mover to 'prime sinister'.

NONESeeing double in the Silver State

Without a doubt, the biggest news story of the year was the political coup in the Silver State.

(Source: Mkini - Support Mkini - Subscribe to Mkini!)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Man who burned Penang CM's poster assaulted: Violence begets violence!

S Krishna Nair, 47, also known as Mak Mandin Kumar, the controversial newsvendor, who allegedly torched and stomped on a poster of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at a rally last month, claimed he was attacked by a group of knife-wielding youths last night. He sustained severe slash wounds and bruises on his thighs, back, head, hips and hands during the attack in Mak Mandin mini-industrial area at 10pm yesterday.

NONENair said he was riding home last night when he was stopped by eight youths who wore full-faced helmets on four motorcycles outside the Puspakom depot. They said in Malay that they wanted to talk to him. When he tried suggesting a place for them to talk, one man slashed him in the back and a fight ensued between him and six youths while two others stood by to watch.

This man has certainly asked for it! What goes around comes around! He should thank his lucky stars that he is still alive! ;)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Police intimidating the rakyat!

Malaysiakini reported in 'Penang CM hit by sedition probe, DAP outraged' that Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar also advised Lim Guan Eng not to make unfounded remarks about the case, which is being investigated in an inquest.

What unfounded remarks, Mr. Honourable Khalid?

How about the unfounded remarks made by MACC chief that Teoh committed suicide when the inquest was still ongoing? Read 'Teoh family outraged at MACC chief's suicide theory'.

Why the police and MACC seem to be working with each other to intimidate the wakil rakyat?

One thing for sure, the police must and never be intimidated but the wakil rakyat can and must be intimidated. Intimidating the wakil rakyat is essentially intimidating the rakyat.

Malaysian spaceflight participant to wed on 101010

The Malaysian spaceflight participant flew into space and came back to Earth as an 'Astronaut'!

Malaysia Truly Boleh!

Just go to NASA - Expedition 16 and you will see this:

The Expedition 16 crew members pose for a portrait at the Johnson Space Center. From the left (front row) are Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, flight engineer and Soyuz commander; astronaut Peggy Whitson, commander; and Malaysian spaceflight participant Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. From the left (back row) are European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Léopold Eyharts, astronaut Garrett Reisman and astronaut Dan Tani, all flight engineers.

Oh ya, I wish his wedding will BLAST OFF (pun intended!) as planned on 10-10-10!

He saw and said reindeer!

At the end of the clip, the reindeer fell and hit right below his eye.
Thank God, he was not hurt.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tragedy of bus driver falling asleep at the wheel: 10 DEAD

Driver of crashed bus admits he fell asleep


IPOH: The driver of an express bus that crashed at Km272.8 of the North-South Expressway early today and left 10 passengers killed and two injured has admitted to falling asleep at the wheel.
“He fell asleep at the wheel but breathalyser and drug tests conducted on him proved negative,” Ipoh traffic police chief DSP Mohd Rodzi Rejab told reporters here today.

The double-decker Sani Express bus skidded and hit the road divider as it was heading north, about 8km after the Ipoh Selatan toll plaza at 1am.

The victims had been seated on the lower tier of the bus. The two drivers and the 36 other passengers were unhurt.

It is understood that the driver had taken over the wheel after the bus had stopped at the Simpang Pulai lay-by just before Ipoh.

Mohd Rodzi said the driver was supposed to take over the wheel at the Sungai Perak Rest and Service Area, Kuala Kangsar further ahead.

He declined to comment on whether the driver had any previous records, but said the express bus records were clean.

The police have remanded the driver until Wednesday to facilitate investigations under Section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.

Meanwhile, PLUS Expressways Berhad (Plus) has announced that the left lane of the North-South Expressway at KM272.8, eight kilometres after the Ipoh Selatan toll plaza, has been closed temporarily to enable police conduct their investigation into a bus accident there early Saturday.

Plus corporate communications manager Iskandar Dzulkifli said Plus workers were also repairing the highway barrier and divider which were badly damaged after an express bus crashed into them, killing 10 passengers and injuring two.

He also said that the traffic congestion in the area following the 1am accident had eased since 8am.

A double-decker Sani Express bus carrying 48 passengers from Klang to Kangar skidded and hit the left barrier before veering to the right and crashing into the divider at 1am. - Bernama

(Source: NST Online)

How many more lives must perish before any pro-active measures are introduced and stiffer penalties imposed for reckless and irresponsible bus drivers?

Visit Bus Crash No More, a blog that aims to raise public awareness on safer long-distance bus rides for Malaysians since the fatal Slim River Bus Crash on the 25th of January 2008.

Baby Sugar Glider @ Miracle Pets Tesco Extra Cheras

A visit to a newly-opened pet shop on 19/12/2009.

Janson said, "Daddy pao." 'pao' means 'carry'.

Baby Sugar Glider

Something Angora Rabbit

Janson being introduced to a pug.

Vodafonefroskurinn - Essasú?: Icelandic frog advert makes Malaysian woman a Facebook cult hit

@ The Daily Telegraph

Icelandic frog advert makes Malaysian woman a Facebook cult hit

The 19 year-old, from Port Klang, Malaysia, has been bombarded with hundreds of “friend requests” from Icelandic nationals on the social networking site because her name sounds similar to the phrase on the popular Vodafone advertisement.

The commercial, starring popular actor Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon, features a frog who lisps the slang word “Essassu”, which roughly translates to “is it you?”.

It was later discovered that the phrase was similar to the Malaysian woman’s name on Facebook.

She is now an internet sensation and has become the centre of a Facebook group “We want to get Essasa Sue to Iceland!”.

Organisers said it started as a “joke” but now it has almost 1,000 members.

“One of the most popular person(s) among all Icelanders… now it is not time for her to be flown to Iceland and maintain curating all Essasa Sue,” says the group’s blurb.

Hundreds of people have since “friended” her on her site over the past few weeks and at last count Miss Sue, whose real name is Essasa Sie Sue Wei, has almost 2700 friends with the number getting higher by the day.

Many of her new “friends” have posted messages on her wall in Icelandic, saying hello and wishing her Merry Christmas.

At one stage she wrote: "thanks for all the iceland ppl that adding (sic) me on facebook!!! have a nice day!!"

Earlier she wrote: "i was in the iceland news... oh my god."

On her site she describes herself as “just a normal girl & having a very bored & simple life” in Malaysia, who “likes to make new friends”.

Miss Wei told The Daily Telegraph that she was surprised at the group’s popularity but denied she was a “cult hero”, explaining that it wasn’t actually her real name, only her online identity.

“I think it's unbelievable… the advertisement will say something kinda like my name,” she said.

“I like it cause can knew and make more friends with others country people. I don't like it because I do not deserve what they give it to me and that's not my real name.

“I don't think am a 'cult figure' and I just feel sorry and (I) apologise to all the Iceland people, because my real name is Essasa Sie not Essasa Sue.”

She said her and her friend one day wanted to visit the country “because Iceland people are so friendly, nice and good”.

Sigurjón Hallgrímsson, one of the founders of the Facebook tribute group, said it had started as a joke.

He said he was not surprised that it had become an internet sensation because the advertisment was popular in Iceland.

“We decided to start this group after finding out that the numbers of Essasa Sue´s Icelandic friends are just getting higher,” he said.

“I’m not surprised that the group or Essasa Sue is so popular.

“The ‘Essasu’ commercial is played by one of the most popular Icelandic actors, Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon.”

He added: “Being (a) frog and saying those funny words with a baby sound has apparently made a big hit."

Essassu “Essasa Sue”: Latest Facebook sensation from Malaysia to Iceland

Friday December 25, 2009

Girl breaks the ice with her Facebook name

A MALAYSIAN teenager’s rather strange name has turned her into a Facebook sensation among Icelanders.

“Essasa Sue” — a 19-year-old girl from Port Klang — sounds like the catchphrase used in a recent commercial by European telecommunications giant Vodafone, which is famous among Icelanders.

In the commercial, a frog, which was voiced by Icelandic actor Pétur Joóhann Sigfússon, mentions the word “Essassu”, which means: “Is that you?”

Quoting British newspaper Daily Telegraph, Kosmo! reported that the girl had since been bombarded with hundreds of requests from Icelanders to be her friend on Facebook, making her the latest sensation on the social networking site.

There was even a Facebook campaign called “We Want To Bring Essasa Sue To Iceland.”

Sue — whose full name is Essasa Sie Sue Wei — currently has 2,925 Facebook friends and the number was still growing.

According to a founder of the Facebook campaign to “bring Essasa Sue to Iceland” Sigurjón Hallgrímsson, it had started out as a joke before it attracted more than 1,000 members.

“She is now popular in Iceland and it’s time to bring her to this country,” said the website.

(Source: The Star Online)

Malaysia Committed To Upholding True Values Of All Religions

Malaysia is strongly committed to upholding the true values of all religions, Najib Abdul Razak said today.

NONE"Religion teaches us to be tolerant, caring and respectful of the beliefs and practices of others. In our multi-racial society, we must constantly remind ourselves of the values that bind us together," he said in his speech at a Christmas reception organised by the Christian Federation of Malaysia at the St Thomas Church today.

"We are bound by our common destiny as 1Malaysia. We are bound by our common heritage. We are bound by our need to forge ahead as one nation to face the challenges that lie ahead," he added.

The text of his speech was read out by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Idris Jala.

The prime minister said Idris' presence at the reception represented the strong commitment of the Barisan Nasional government to the freedom of worship that had been practised in Malaysia since the country's independence.

Najib said he was happy to see that the people were responding to the many initiatives introduced by the government to provide a better future for the current and future generations.

"Our 'People First, Performance Now' campaign is not a mere slogan. It is a commitment to action," he stressed.

Religious festivities had become more meaningful by focusing on helping the disadvantaged and less fortunate in society, said Najib as he urged Malaysians to give generously.

The prime minister said the government had identified the hardcore poor throughout the country and would redouble its effort to help every Malaysian get out of the poverty cycle.

"We will bring speedy economic development to all communities regardless of their ethnic origins, religions, cultures or geographical locations," he said.

Among those present at the reception were the supreme head of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church Reverend Dr Joseph Mar Thoma, and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

- Bernama

The true values of all religions are integrity, justice, transparency - all these are the opposites of the values of the Government of the day. Tun Dr M blogged about 'UMNO' being 'rotten to the core'. Can an Umno-led BN government be upholding true values of all religions when it is 'rotten to the core'???

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christ the Lord was born to men on Christmas day!!!

8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


On October 31, The Star Online reported that Teoh inquest: 80pc chance of homicide, says Thai expert.

On December 27, The Sun reported after Dr. Pornthip attended the second post-mortem:

Pornthip maintains 80% possibility of homicide in Teoh Beng Hock's death

Yesterday, The Malaysian Insider reported: Cops to probe Guan Eng for saying Beng Hock was murdered. To be exact, Guan Eng said, "Teoh Beng Hock had been cruelly murdered."

What makes it more 'interesting' is that the police report was lodged by Selangor police!

Dr. Pornthip explained some injuries were not consistent with a fall from a height:
1. Anal injury - there’s a penetrative injury at the anal region.

2. Abrasions found on Teoh’s upper right thigh also appeared like he had been beaten with a piece of wood. According to Dr Pornthip, there was a need to open the skin in the area where the haemorrhage was found to determine if torture had been involved. She added this was necessary to determine whether the haemorrhage was compatible with a fall from a height and single impact from the ground.

3. Skull fracture was not typical of a transferred injury due to a fall but was more compatible with a blunt force being directly inflicted to the head. She said the transferred injury to the skull due to impact of the fall would typically cause a ring fracture at the base of the skull around the spinal column and not a cervical spine fracture such as that suffered by Teoh.

Dr Pornthip said Teoh, 30, was probably alive when he hit the ground but may have been unconscious before the fall.

She added this was in view of the fact that there was no reaction or defensive wounds on his ankles and wrists which would have occurred if he had been conscious.

Dr Pornthip added that these wounds would occur when a conscious person tries to break his fall which was a natural reaction when one is falling from height.

There’s a possibility that he was unconscious from the manual strangulation or pain from the anal region, she said.


Thursday, December 24, 2009 - Specialist Eye Centre

Specialists 'sell' themselves nowadays. I thought professionals like lawyers and doctors were not allowed to advertise their services. belongs to Dr. Wong Yiing Cheong. Its tagline is 'Quality Ophthalmic care at affordable cost'.

Dr. Wong is a pretty good consultant, I would say. My son was treated by him for conjunctivitis earlier this month. Thank God he recovered in a matter of 2-3 days even though the doctor said the conjunctivitis might worsen and take two weeks to cure.

So, if you ask me, I would recommend Dr. Wong for your child's eye-related problem. ;)

IGP wants more time to get RPK

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 24 — Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said today that more time was needed for the process to extradite fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who was alleged to be in hiding in London.

“We have to wait for the process. It’s not like today I say I will catch him it means tomorrow I can get him,” quipped Musa.

The IGP took the opportunity to reiterate that Raja Petra was a wanted person and that getting him was a high priority for the police.

“We have investigated. He is a wanted man...but we need to wait for the process to take place. It could turn out that they might want to take him to court there (where he is said to be hiding) first.”

Earlier this week, Musa had stated that the government will seek an extradition order for Raja Petra if he is indeed found to be hiding in London.

Utusan Malaysia had carried a report saying that the police would seek more information from Interpol and the British government.

The wanted blogger is rumoured to be seeking refuge at Trinity Court apartment in Gloucester, Bayswater in London, according to Utusan.

The controversial blogger disappeared when he failed to turn up in court for his sedition trial on April 23 because of what he says on his blog was his “self-imposed exile” from Selangor.

However, the police have not been able to track down Raja Petra since and the blogger has been said to be in neighbouring countries including Melbourne, Australia.

Raja Petra has been a thorn in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration, especially after the recent allegations made by P Balasubramaniam.

In an interview on his news portal, the missing private investigator claimed that Najib’s architect brother was allegedly involved in the private investigator’s disappearance and a claimed payoff for his silence in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case.

Raja Petra has used his blog to make unrelenting attacks against Najib and his wife, accusing them of involvement in the murder of Altantuya, the Mongolian lover of the PM’s associate Abdul Razak Baginda.

He is accused of publishing the article “Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell” on his website.

Raja Petra was detained under the Internal Security Act last year but a court subsequently freed him.

The influential blogger also claimed he would not get a fair trial.

(Source: The Malaysian Insider)

IGP is wasting time going after a wanted man that is totally harmless to the society at large. Snatch thieves are more dangerous than RPK. No wonder they are roaming freely on the streets because police is focusing on the wrong people. ;)

How about 'top-level' thieves who stole engines ? Catch criminals and not civilians like RPK. 8|

Najib announces RPGT reversal

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid

Najib (left) hopes the Chinese will reciprocate by helping him realise his 1 Malaysia concept. — Bernama pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 23 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced tonight a reversal of his government’s decision to reintroduce real property gains tax (RPGT) on January 1 for all transactions, amid concerns that it would hit long-standing homeowners and foreign investors.
Instead, the government has now decided the five per cent RPGT would only apply to property sold within five years of purchase.
The five per cent tax, which was announced under Budget 2010 in October, is normally imposed to curb speculation but due to its flat structure does not differentiate between homeowners who have been holding a property for 20 years or those who are flipping properties within one or two years for a profit.
The property sector was taken by surprise by the announcement and had expressed worries that it would have sent a message to potential investors that the government has not been consistent in its policymaking.
An exemption on the RPGT was given in 2007 by the then-Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi administration in order to boost the property development industry.
Its removal two plus years later with little warning could have heightened the feeling of uncertainty among investors.
But speaking at a dinner with the federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia tonight, Najib allayed fears from the business sector, many of whom are from the Chinese community.

Najib (second left) and his hosts share a light moment during tonight’s dinner. — Picture by Jack Ooi
He said the decision to backtrack on the implementation of the RPGT will likely cost the government RM200 million in lost revenue.
Apart from this, Najib also announced that the hospitality industry will enjoy a 60 per cent reinvestment allowance from the government, to be handed out to hotels undertaking investments for renovation and refurnishing.
He said that in line with this new policy, the government will extend the investment allowance for 15 years.
The announcements were made following requests made by the Federation of Chinese Associations for the government to help the property sector.
“I hope the Chinese community will respond to the announcements accordingly,” he said.
Najib also said that he hoped to see the Chinese reciprocate his gesture by helping him realise his “1 Malaysia” concept.
(Source: The Malaysian Insider)
There's always a catch to it! I scratch your back, you scratch my back!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mahathir wants book to be released, Hishamuddin

Mahathir book 'pending approval' by Home Ministry
Copies of the book are with the Home Ministry, awaiting a decision as to whether it can be distributed.

Why lah? Why wait any longer?

Mahathir is protected by his own 'aura'.

Mahathir, the subject of the book, has already given his approval.

Mahathir needs no protection from the government. He is immune. He is Tun.

On the contrary, the government needs to be protected from Mahathir's criticisms.

Repentant ring leader hails Apcet II award

The MP is relieved over yesterday’s court decision that helps assuage his shame felt for his role in the storming of Apcet II conference.

Saifuddin Nasution who was the ring leader of the Umno Youth band that barged into the Apcet II meeting held in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, now PKR MP for Machang, said he was greatly relieved by yesterday's High Court decision to award damages to 29 human rights activists and journalists detained by police in the immediate aftermath of Apcet II conference 13 years ago.

Saifuddin Nasution, the former Umno Youth activist, repented his behaviour by tendering a public apology and personally did so to Jose Ramos-Horta and Xanana Gusmao when the two East Timor freedom fighters visited Malaysia in 2001.

'Umno-linked contractors to blame'

A Terengganu-based NGO says cosy ties between politicians and contractors have led to shoddy work on several new buildings in the state.

Majlis Permuafakatan Rakyat Terengganu (Mampat) blamed Umno-linked contractors for shoddy work on several new buildings in the state that have come to grief and its president Mohamad Fauzi Abdullah called these contractors OKU or Orang Kuat Umno (Umno supporters) when he was asked to comment on the collapse of the roof of the RM4.2 million bus terminal in Kuala Berang yesterday.

Web-Radio: Christmas Internet Radio - Christmas Music

Visit Web-Radio >> Christmas Internet Radio >> Christmas Music for a directory of radio stations.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Che Det threatens to sue Mkini, Kit Siang and Wain

UPDATED 10PM The former premier has 'reserved the right' to sue author Barry Wain, opposition leader Lim Kit Siang and online news daily Malaysiakini for defamation.

In his latest posting, Dr M has welcomed Lim Kit Siang's proposal for Najib to set up a royal commission on whether I burned RM100 billion on grandiose projects and corruption during my 22-year reign.

He said that
such a commission should not be made up of Government nominees but should have as members impeccable people including foreigners and members of Transparency International.

Also, Mahathir mentioned that the commission should not confine to one Prime Minister only but to Tun Abdullah Badawi's regime.


Malaysian Bar ‘disappointed’ by court’s decision

Published: Tuesday December 22, 2009 MYT 1:04:00 PM

Malaysian Bar ‘disappointed’ by court’s decision


PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Bar has expressed its disappointment with the Court of Appeal’s ruling last week that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) can question witnesses beyond office hours.

The ruling last week overturned the High Court’s earlier decision that the MACC could only question witnesses during office hours.

Bar president Ragunath Kesavan described the ruling as being “inimical to the protection of witnesses,” who have the right to refuse interrogation outside office hours.

“The legislation should be interpreted in accordance with the Federal Constitution’s provisions that protect the fundamental liberties of individuals and in a manner that safeguards human rights.

“The reversal of the ruling condones the MACC’s practice of compelling witnesses to appear and be questioned for long hours that may stretch beyond office hours,” he said in a statement.

He said witnesses should be accorded the same protection and rights as accused persons, whose right to be allowed rest is guaranteed by Rule 20 of the Lock-up Rules 1953.

“It is essential that witnesses, whose testimonies are important in court hearings, to not face any actual or perceived intimidation, pressure or coercion during interrogation,” he said while urging the Government to take steps to protect the rights of witnesses.

(Source: The Star Online)

Apcet II: Gov't ordered to pay

The Kuala Lumpur High Court today ordered the government to pay RM30,000 each to 32 human rights activists and journalists wrongfully detained following the disruption by Umno Youth of the Apcet II civil society gathering in Kuala Lumpur more than a decade ago.

The thirty-two local activists and journalists had filed a RM87 million suit against the government

Appeals Court Judge Wan Adnan Muhamad delivered his decision saying that, "the facts here are clear and straightforward and the judgement is based on facts submitted by both parties".

The suit was filed against the government after the group's wrongful detention at the Second Asia Pacific Conference on East Timor (Apcet II) on Nov 11, 1996.

The conference was held at Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur and saw nasty secene when an Umno Youth mob stormed the venue and harassed the participants.

(Source: Mkini - Support Mkini - Subscribe to Mkini!)

Pakatan pooh-poohs report

The PAS president may have been misquoted that he is against registering Pakatan as an official coalition, say top leaders.
Malaysiakini, after failing to get a response from Hadi today, spoke to his political secretary Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, who shed light on the report and clarified that Hadi does not dispute Pakatan's decision to register as a coalition.

People want MACC to catch big fish, not small fry

Monday December 21, 2009

People want MACC to catch big fish, not small fry


PETALING JAYA: The time has come for real action from the Government to fight corruption instead of pussy-footing around, said Transparency International Malaysia president Tan Sri Dr Ramon Navaratnam.

He said if the Government continued talking without real action, people would get frustrated and disillusioned and eventually they would lash back via the ballot box.

“Don’t pussy-foot,” he said when commenting on recommendations in fighting graft at the two-day Government Transformation Pro­gramme open day last week.

Many members of the public who attended the programme had questioned why the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was only interested in catching the “small fry” and did not seemed to be interested in catching the jerung (sharks).

Corruption Lab leader Datuk Hashim Nordin, who is special officer to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, in his reply had said it was a lot harder to catch the big fish as they tended to be more sophisticated and more professional in their acts.

Ramon said the programme had generated some good recommendations, including calls for the MACC to investigate politicians and businessmen and those who were living beyond their means without waiting for public complaints and for it to report directly to Parliament.

He said the law would have to be amended quickly to reflect the Government’s urgency in fighting corruption.

He said until the “big fish” were taken to court and punished, people would continue to doubt the commission’s sincerity.

Ramon, who is MACC panel of presentation and consultation chairman, said so far no top political leaders have been charged and convicted for corruption.

Citing the Port Klang Free Zone scandal as an example, he said although former Port Klang Authority general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang was charged in court, she was not the real “big fish” as there were people in higher levels.

Social Care Foundation chairman Tan Sri Robert Phang concurred that in the PKFZ scandal, bigwigs were named by the Public Account Committee but none of them were brought to court.

“Those implicated must be given a chance to explain in the court, not in Parliament. The rakyat want to know the whole truth.”

He said the PKFZ scandal was an acid test for the Government and there was a need for political will to be executed without fear and favour.

Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation vice-chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye also said that despite many Government announcements to fight corruption, the people have yet to see real results.

Also read 'MACC not sophisticated enough to catch 'sharks'!!!'

Tun Mahathir, in his blog post entitled 'UMNO', said:

1. Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 hanya dua tahun lagi. Saya sedang meneliti reaksi rakyat terhadap UMNO dibawah pimpinan baru. Saya terkejut. Saya terkejut kerana seorang bekas pemimpin UMNO yang kanan telah meluahkan perasaannya dengan berkata "UMNO is rotten to the core" (UMNO busuk hingga ke ususnya).

IF Umno is rotten to the core, then the Government led by Umno is rotten to the core.

What to do with rotten apples except that they be thrown away! So, remember to throw them away in the next GE. 13 will be a lucky number for the rakyat!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Najib: No cover up in missing jet engine case

Husna Yusop and Bernard Cheah

PUTRAJAYA (dec 21, 2009) : Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said today there was no cover-up of the case of the missing F-5E fighter jet engine owned by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak chairing the 6th Malaysian Aerospace Council
(MAC) meeting. Also present (from left) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed,
Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili and Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Najib, who was Defence Minister at the time the theft was discovered, said the ministry reported the matter to the police immediately after realising the disappearance.

"Mindef took the position that we had to address this and take necessary action, even criminal action, against those involved. To the credit of the RMAF and Mindef, there was no intention of covering up at all. In fact, we went forward to the police. At that time I was minister in charge. I decided we should report it to the police," he said.

Speaking after chairing the 6th Malaysian Aerospace Council (MAC) meeting here, he said the ministry cooperated with the police in the investigation and would continue to do so.

The engine, reportedly worth about RM50 million, was detected missing in 2007 from the Matra 1 Warehouse at the Sungai Besi Airbase.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had reportedly said the engine was sold to an international company based in South Africa which was believed to have hired an agent to bring it out of the country.

The police said they had arrested four individuals, including RMAF officers.

It was also reported that a brigadier-general and 40 other armed forces personnel were sacked late last year over alleged involvement in the case.

Those sacked lost their pension and other benefits as former servicemen while others had to opt for early retirement but the brigadier-general reportedly retained his pension and other retirement benefits.

Asked why the brigadier-general retained his benefits, Najib said: "It depends on what he has done wrong. It’s up to the air force and armed forces council to decide on that. We will wait until the full report comes out."

In George Town, Bukit Bendera member of Parliament Liew Chin Tong called for an external investigation on the disappearance of the F-5E fighter engine.

Liew Chin Tong

Liew, who also chairs the Pakatan Rakyat Shadow Committee for Defence, said there is a need to either establish a Parliamentary Select Committee or a Royal Commission, on this matter.

He said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's proposed internal inquiry is grossly inadequate.

"Internal inquiries in this country notoriously ensure the chain of responsibility does not extend beyond low-ranking scapegoats," he said in a press statement today.

"An external inquiry is required not only to determine the details of this shocking incident but also to uncover the conditions in our armed forces that allowed this to happen. It would reveal where accountability for such an incident should fall so appropriate action can be taken against those responsible," he said.

Liew said the implications of this case strike at the heart of the security sector of the nation.

"No one knows how many other military assets are stolen in this manner. This fighter jet engine could just be the tip of the iceberg," he said.

He added that the external inquiry must also determine if the fighter jet engine and other military assets were transferred to undesirable parties including Iran, potentially posing dangerous global consequences.
(Source: Sun2Surf)

Fewer people using public transport


Cops will extradite RPK if he is in London

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 21 — Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan says the government will seek an extradition order for Raja Petra Kamarudin if the fugitive blogger is found to be living in London.

Utusan Malaysia reported the IGP as saying that the police would seek more information from their British counterparts on the matter.

The daily had reported that Raja Petra (picture) is currently taking refuge at Trinity Court apartment in Gloucester, Bayswater in London but did reveal how it got the information.

''We are going to investigate the reports by Mingguan Malaysia and ask for help from Interpol and the British government.

''If he (Raja Petra) is there, we will ask the help of the British government to get an extradition order because he must attend his court hearing,'' Musa told Utusan.

The controversial blogger disappeared when he failed to turn up in court for his sedition trial on April 23 because of what he says on his blog was his "self-imposed exile" from Selangor.

However, the police have not been able to track Raja Petra since and the blogger has been said to be in neighbouring countries including Melbourne, Australia.

Raja Petra has been a thorn in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration, especially after the recent allegations made by P. Balasubramaniam.

In an interview on his news portal, the missing private investigator claimed that Najib’s architect brother was allegedly involved in the private investigator’s disappearance and a claimed payoff for his silence in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case.

Raja Petra has used his blog to make unrelenting attacks against Najib and his wife, accusing them of involvement in the murder of Altantuya, the Mongolian lover of the PM’s associate Abdul Razak Baginda.

He is accused of publishing the article “Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell” on his website.

Raja Petra was detained under the Internal Security Act last year but a court subsequently freed him.

The influential blogger also claimed he would not get a fair trial.

(Source: The Malaysian Insider)

Whether in BN or PR, PAS will be a pain in the ass!

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20 — PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang suggested today that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) was in no hurry to be formally registered, in remarks that appear to indicate ideological differences with its political partners remained an obstacle.

“We do not want to act in a hurry to register Pakatan.

“Pakatan does not necessarily have to become a single party. What is important is for us to bring out what we have in common, and to put off things which we do not agree on,” he said after a special meeting with political bloggers here today.

Hadi’s remarks come just a day after the PR coalition held its first ever convention. A common policy framework was also tabled at the convention.

His comments today suggest PAS may still have doubts about joining a formal coalition.

The PAS leader pointed out that the three PR parties — PAS, PKR and DAP — still have ideological differences, and the time was not right for the alliance to be formally registered.

In pushing for a delay in formalising the coalition, PAS has put into doubt the step made by PR coordinator Datuk Zaid Ibrahim to register PR.

Zaid is understood to have already submitted a formal application to the Registrar of Societies to register PR as a legal entity.

At yesterday’s PR convention, the leaders of the three parties had also taken great pains to put on a united front amid rousing speeches outlining their intention of ousting Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general elections.

But Hadi’s statement today is likely to cause some uncertainties again among fellow PR leaders about PAS’ commitment.

“It is not time yet for the three parties to be registered, and PAS has not made a decision yet on registration,” he said.

He said, however, that while it was not the right time for PR to cement their relationship because of differences in ideology, the three parties still had common ground in issues like justice and poverty eradication.

Hadi pointed out that it was important for the three parties to first work on common ground, and “talk of other things later.”

On the question of the next general elections, Hadi said that “when the time comes we will discuss the matter.”

The PR alliance was formed soon after the results of Elections 2008 when DAP, PKR and PAS combined to deprive BN of its traditional two-thirds majority and won control of five state governments.

It has taken PR leaders nearly two years to put together its first ever common policy framework, with an eye towards formal registration.

(Source: The Malaysian Insider)

Charlie Brown Christmas: Isn't There Anyone Who Knows What Christmas Is All About?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Can RMAF defend the country when it can't even defend its own jet engine?

Sunday December 20, 2009

Theft of jet engine an inside job, says minister

BAGAN DATOH: A theft of the Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) fighter jet engine was an inside job.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that a group of low-ranking officers were in cahoots with civilians in the well- planned theft and sale of the RM50mil engine.

Centre of attraction: Zahid with some amused children looking at the weapons on display after launching the Kompeni Wataniah in Balik Pulau in Penang yesterday.

Zahid said the thieves had sold the engine to an international company based in South Africa which was believed to have hired an agent to bring it out of the country.

“The international company was interested in buying the engine because it was cheap as it was categorised as faulty spare part and was to be under repairs.

“The ministry will take legal action at the international level to go after the company involved.

“Stern action will also be taken against the RMAF personnel involved for betraying the country,” he said after launching an environmental programme here yesterday.

Zahid said that all the documents pertaining to the “sale” of the engine are in the hands of the police.

Earlier in Balik Pulau, Zahid said the ministry would not compromise on any loss of asset or document and would come down hard on those involved.

Speaking to newsmen after launching the Penang and Kedah volunteer force yesterday, he said RMAF discovered the loss in 2007 when it wanted to overhaul the jet engine.

“I want to assure the public that the RMAF’s delivery and procurement system is very good. It has been revamped since the incident.

“My ministry will continue to monitor and ensure that the inventory and asset movement procedures are properly controlled,” he said.

Zahid said the ministry would upgrade the currently manual asset and equipment inventory system to one which was “digital automation.”

He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was aware of the incident as he was the then Defence Minister and would be updated on the progress of investigation “from time to time.”

It was reported that the General Electric J85-21A afterburner turbojet engine, which served as a power plant for the single-seater F-5E Tiger 11 and RF-5E Tigereye, went missing from the RMAF airbase in Sungai Besi late last year during a routine maintenance service.

Also missing was its maintenance and service record.

Later in Lumut last night, Zahid said he believed there were other documents and items, which had been stolen.

He said they were waiting for the police to complete investigations before taking further action. He also urged the RMAF to have a better inventory system.

(Source: The Star Online)

Ahh...missing since 2007. Who was the Defence Minister then? Was he too busy eyeing his future position as the Umno-appointed PM so that it did not go missing while all these missing items in RMAF happened right under his nose?

DAP trio to Waytha: We'll see you in court

Penang DAP Deputy Chief Minister 2 Ramasamy, Sungkai assemblyperson A Sivanesan and Hindraf activists V Ganabatirao are ready to face Hindraf chairperson P Waythamorthy in court over the issue of public funds collected for the Hindraf cause. The three DAP members told Malaysiakini that they were ready to face any legal action by Waythamoorthy.

Malaysiakini yesterday reported that Waythamoorthy (right) has sent a demand letter to the three DAP leaders and to another Hindraf activist K Vasanthakumar asking them to retract defamatory statements made to the media in articles that called into question Waythamoorthy's sincerity and asked him account for an alleged RM700,000 that was collected for the Hindraf cause, failing which he will exercise the right to sue them.

Mariah Carey's rendition of Joy To The World - Disney Parade 2004

This 'Joy to the world' sung by Mariah Carey, has only three out of the four stanzas (refer to my previous post for the four-stanza 'Joy to the world').

Joy to the world: Worship video with lyrics

This 'Joy to the world' Christmas carol has all the four stanzas that give the song its full meaning. Personally, I like the third and fourth line of the third stanza the most - 'He comes to make His blessings flow, Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, Far as the curse is found.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

DAP: We'll win over PAS on local council polls

UPDATED 7.15PM The period of racial consideration determining candidates is dead and gone, it's all about hard work now, says DAP.

Earlier in her policy, DAP assemblyperson Hannah Yeoh expressed concerns over the issues surrounding local government elections and said that political leaders should neither worry about who would be elected nor about the racial composition because when elections were held, it would make the councillors work harder and this would automatically improve the productivity of the local government.

Pakatan pledges sweeping reforms, carrots for East M'sia

1ST PAKATAN CONVENTION The three-member Pakatan Rakyat coalition today took another step in its bid to capture Putrajaya by unveiling a common policy document.

In a direct response to its race-based rival Barisan Nasional, Pakatan's common policy promises to reduce race-based policies and enacting a Race Relations Act.

At the institutional level, Pakatan pledged to ensure full independence and transparency of the Judicial Appointment Commission to restore public confidence in the judicial system.

On the economy, Pakatan aims to decentralise state economic management which the policy document said will boost efficiency, productivity and balanced geographical development.

(Source: Mkini - Support Mkini - Subscribe to Mkini!)

Idris Jala asks for 12 months to deliver on NKRA

By Neville Spykerman

SUBANG JAYA, Dec 18 – Datuk Seri Idris Jala said today that the government was going out on a limb by making public the initiatives of its NKRAs, and should be judged by the end of next year on whether targets are met.

Datuk Seri Idris Jala given talk on the stage. – Pictures by Jack Ooi

“It’s like being fully pregnant; we cannot be carrying a baby inside for beyond nine months. You must deliver,” said the Minister in the prime minister’s department, while addressing the public at the National Key Results Areas exhibition at the Sunway Convention Centre today.

Idris, who is also the chief executive officer of the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) Board, said the public will be able to see for themselves if the targets are met by the end of next year.

“We will be transparent and the public will be able to see what targets have been met and what were not from annual reports, which will be published,” he said, adding that no other government had undertaken such a massive transformation programme.

The NKRAs are access to quality and affordable education, crime prevention, reducing corruption, addressing poverty, upgrading infrastructure in the rural areas and improving public transportation

These are the areas which concern Malaysians, according to public perception surveys and media reports.

“We learned that people don’t want incremental changes. They want big results, fast,” said Idris, who added that the prime minister himself is “rock solid” behind this change.

“The prime minister himself is leading a weekly steering committee to remove the roadblocks to achieve the Government Transformation Programme (GTP).”

Abu Bakar Ahmad (right) of the Crime Lab briefing Lim Kit Siang and Datuk Seri Idris Jala.

Idris described the GTP as the engine to achieving Vision 2020, the year where Malaysia is targeting to become a fully developed country.

“We won’t get there without work and clear direction,” he said.

He said 240 civil servants, who have been working in eight labs, have been working hard to develop the initiatives.

“In just six weeks, they have rated 10,000 schools and we know which school is number 1 and which one is number 10,000,” Jala cited as an example.

They have also identified 44,000 hardcore poor people who are at the point of starvation, and these people were now getting aid from the government, he said.

“Poverty does not recognise skin colour or race.”

To tackle crime, the labs have identified 50 hotspots and additional policemen have been sent to these areas.

“For rural development, we know exactly which roads we intend to build now and which houses will get water and electricity,” he said.

Idris pointed out that his own village in Sarawak did not have electricity and added the matter was close to his heart.

To upgrade the transportation system, the government is planning to build another bus terminal in Gombak to alleviate congestion at the Pudu bus station.

Currently 1,000 buses go through Pudu daily while 40,000 cars pick up passengers from the stations.

He described Pudu as “hell on earth” and pointed out the new Gombak bus terminal could accommodate 500 buses.

However, he acknowledged the initiatives were not exhaustive and invited the public to share their views.

“We are all made by God to be beautifully imperfect, we don’t have all the wisdom and we welcome your feedback.”

(Source: The Malaysian Insider)

Sad to hear about Idris Jala's own village in Sarawak not having electricity. Why after 52 years of Merdeka, a simple thing as electricity cannot be provided to a village? If the quality of life of these villagers stays the same after the 53rd year of Merdeka, then Idris Jala had better kick himself in the butt and out of the Ministership for failing his own people.


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