Blogger insists 'Christian conspiracy' must be probed
Cannon: It is the same filthy tactic of Umno and Utusan Malaysia. First, make some inflammatory accusations, citing some unproven sources for their wild allegations. Then, smear their opponents and shout for them to be investigated.
Well, the Christian community have been patient in the face of vicious provocations. They remain calm and refuse to play into the hands of their enemies. Have the PDRM finished its investigation? Have the police found anything?
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and Information Minister Rais Yatim, who were quick to jump the gun to score cheap publicity as 'jaguh kampung', where are they now? We challenge the authorities to announce their findings as soon as possible and establish who - which party(s) - should actually be charged with sedition.
Utusan and Umno villains can do their worst, but they will fail to win support from the people who are increasingly repulsed by their depravity.
Gerard Samuel Vijayan: How can 'Big Dog' publish such rubbish on his website without verifying his sources and looking at the evidence himself? Did this blogger attend the alleged forum or does he have an eyewitness account of what was said?
Does he have a recording of the event where these alleged statements were made? If no, how can any self-respecting blogger or newspaper publish such a story that is incendiary in nature given the multiracial and multireligious composition of this country and the entrenched status of Islam as the official religion.
What conspiracy is there if the churches, the pastors and the guests who attended the function have denied that such statements were made?
So does this mean that every Christian gathering including mass and services are now assumed to be plots and conspiracies to undermine Islam? Do we ban such worship? BN can kiss goodbye to the 2.5 million Christian voters in GE13.
David Dass: We make ourselves vulnerable when we encourage such irresponsible and mischievous reporting and behaviour.
David Dass: We make ourselves vulnerable when we encourage such irresponsible and mischievous reporting and behaviour.
We allow the kooks in our society to exploit ignorance and fear. We encourage irrational behaviour and allow the flames of religious fervour to be fanned dangerously by simply allowing those with their own agendas to plan and implement dangerous strategies.
What is it that we want for the nation? Some Malaysians actually think that we will be better of if non-Muslims left the country? Is that a feasible proposition?
What is it that we want for the nation? Some Malaysians actually think that we will be better of if non-Muslims left the country? Is that a feasible proposition?
Why do some keep saying that the position of Islam is being threatened as are the special rights of the Malays when we all know that those rights are entrenched provisions of the constitution and will remain entrenched as long as the Malays want them entrenched.
There can be no federal government in power in the country without Malays playing a substantial role and no government, whether state or federal, can rule without protecting the position of Malays.
Not Confused: What hypocritical rubbish. Everyone knows that Utusan is a racist, bigoted rag whose circulation is thankfully declining to near death (and the sooner it dies, the better). It is these arrogant, self-important egotistical idiots in Perkasa, Pembela and other similar NGOs which need investigating for stirring up religious hatred.
Malay-Muslims are in a significant and clear majority in Malaysia, but continue to claim to be under siege as if Christianity could ever become the state religion in Malaysia. As usual, they are all scared of their own shadows and the extremist groups should be put away somewhere out of harm's way.
Yap Chee Seng: Umno is Utusan's master. What Utusan does is a calculated move initiated by Umno. All these ravings are targeted at the Malays to shore up support for the party. Expect these extremist racist raving and frothing will become more and more frequent as the 13th general election date nears. And it will be more outrageous each time.
Constitutional Pendatang: Surely Christians have much better things to do than undermine the official religion of this country.
James Dean: Indeed, this is a national security issue and we cannot allow this to go on any longer. I urge the government to carry out a total and comprehensive probe by forming a royal commission of inquiry.
There two important issues here. One is to inquire whether there truly is an attempt by the Christians to turn Malaysia into a Christian country. Two, to inquire into whether there are certain groups in Malaysia instigating one group against another.
Proarte: The common denominator is Umno. Blogger 'Big Dog' is an unashamed Umno supporter and has been rabble rousing for years. Perkasa is sponsored by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to promote his 'divide and rule' strategy which he learnt form the colonial powers.
The issues which these entities raise are invariably synthetic and are aimed at instilling fear and promoting a 'Ketuanan Melayu' and 'Ketuanan Islam' mindset. Its audience is both the Malays and non-Malays.
The script for the Malays is Islam and their Umno conferred 'supremacy' is under threat thus this makes them 'angry and violent'. For the non-Malays, the message is you must accept Malay dominance even if they humiliate you because you do not have the same rights as Malays and they will become violent towards you if you push your luck.
The aim is to reduce Malays to being paranoid and insecure individuals who feel ever so grateful to Umno for giving them a 'superior status' even though Umno robs the Malays and the country blind. Kesian Melayu!
Tongkat Ali: These bloggers and Utusan are cyber terrorists, and they will cause unrest and bring down the country if left uncheck. I am sure our Malay brothers and sisters will not condone this dangerous acts to undermine years of peaceful and religious harmony enjoy by the rakyat overnight.
Our authorities have to act fast and take actions against these cyber terrorists before it is too late.
A Voter: Just because a blogger say this nonsense, the whole of Malaysia gets worked up? This is ridiculous. Leave this guy alone, and pray for God's forgiveness for him.
There can be no federal government in power in the country without Malays playing a substantial role and no government, whether state or federal, can rule without protecting the position of Malays.
Not Confused: What hypocritical rubbish. Everyone knows that Utusan is a racist, bigoted rag whose circulation is thankfully declining to near death (and the sooner it dies, the better). It is these arrogant, self-important egotistical idiots in Perkasa, Pembela and other similar NGOs which need investigating for stirring up religious hatred.
Malay-Muslims are in a significant and clear majority in Malaysia, but continue to claim to be under siege as if Christianity could ever become the state religion in Malaysia. As usual, they are all scared of their own shadows and the extremist groups should be put away somewhere out of harm's way.
Yap Chee Seng: Umno is Utusan's master. What Utusan does is a calculated move initiated by Umno. All these ravings are targeted at the Malays to shore up support for the party. Expect these extremist racist raving and frothing will become more and more frequent as the 13th general election date nears. And it will be more outrageous each time.
Constitutional Pendatang: Surely Christians have much better things to do than undermine the official religion of this country.
James Dean: Indeed, this is a national security issue and we cannot allow this to go on any longer. I urge the government to carry out a total and comprehensive probe by forming a royal commission of inquiry.
There two important issues here. One is to inquire whether there truly is an attempt by the Christians to turn Malaysia into a Christian country. Two, to inquire into whether there are certain groups in Malaysia instigating one group against another.
Proarte: The common denominator is Umno. Blogger 'Big Dog' is an unashamed Umno supporter and has been rabble rousing for years. Perkasa is sponsored by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to promote his 'divide and rule' strategy which he learnt form the colonial powers.
The issues which these entities raise are invariably synthetic and are aimed at instilling fear and promoting a 'Ketuanan Melayu' and 'Ketuanan Islam' mindset. Its audience is both the Malays and non-Malays.
The script for the Malays is Islam and their Umno conferred 'supremacy' is under threat thus this makes them 'angry and violent'. For the non-Malays, the message is you must accept Malay dominance even if they humiliate you because you do not have the same rights as Malays and they will become violent towards you if you push your luck.
The aim is to reduce Malays to being paranoid and insecure individuals who feel ever so grateful to Umno for giving them a 'superior status' even though Umno robs the Malays and the country blind. Kesian Melayu!
Tongkat Ali: These bloggers and Utusan are cyber terrorists, and they will cause unrest and bring down the country if left uncheck. I am sure our Malay brothers and sisters will not condone this dangerous acts to undermine years of peaceful and religious harmony enjoy by the rakyat overnight.
Our authorities have to act fast and take actions against these cyber terrorists before it is too late.
A Voter: Just because a blogger say this nonsense, the whole of Malaysia gets worked up? This is ridiculous. Leave this guy alone, and pray for God's forgiveness for him.
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