Already there's a law preventing non-Muslims proselytizing to Muslims.
Now, another 'Akta Murtad' on top of this law against proselytizing?
Hukum hudud, Akta Murtad. Apa lagi yang diperlukan? Pity them.
I reproduce verbatim a part of my blog post on my conversation with my Iranian colleague:
Just last Friday, I had an interesting conversation with an Iranian.
I asked him, 'I remember you told me that you were not a Muslim.' He said yes.
I asked, 'So, what is your religion?' He answered, 'I've studied other
religions and I generally believe in the concept of God but I don't have
a religion.'
thought most if not all people from the Middle East are Muslims. So,
you are not one? Did you convert?' I probed further. He answered "No" to
both of my questions.
'Muslims are not allowed to convert, right? So, did you convert in Iran or how did you avoid being found out?'
'That's why I'm here (in Malaysia),' he answered.
'But while you were in Iran, what did you do?' I asked.
easy. Do what everyone else is doing. Just pretend,' he said while
giving me a broad smile. Then, he went on to tell me about one popular
song about people pretending and wearing masks.
October 17, 2011

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