When the report of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into the death
of Teoh Beng Hock was unveiled at a press conference yesterday by
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Mohd Nazri Aziz, who read out from a written statement and
said that the commission found Teoh's "weak character" as one of the
factors leading to his suicide.

Nazri said paragraphs 229 and 233 of the Malay version of the report as part of the paragraphs that led to the written statement
When translated from the Malay language to the English language, it states: "The outcome of
the commission's investigation found that Teoh was not murdered but he
felt pressured and stressed due to continuous and aggressive
interrogation sessions, strengthened by his weak character which caused
him to commit suicide."
(Hasil siasatan Suruhanjaya mendapati bahawa TBH bukan dibunuh tetapi beliau yang merasa terbeban and tertekan dengan sesi soal siasat yang agresif dan berlarutan, disokong dengan perwatakan beliau yang lemah telah menyebabkan beliau membunuh diri.)
Asked about the conflict between his statement and the RCI report, Nazri explained to Malaysiakini that his officers who prepared the statement drew the inference from various paragraphs in the report to come to the "weak character" conclusion.
(Hasil siasatan Suruhanjaya mendapati bahawa TBH bukan dibunuh tetapi beliau yang merasa terbeban and tertekan dengan sesi soal siasat yang agresif dan berlarutan, disokong dengan perwatakan beliau yang lemah telah menyebabkan beliau membunuh diri.)
Asked about the conflict between his statement and the RCI report, Nazri explained to Malaysiakini that his officers who prepared the statement drew the inference from various paragraphs in the report to come to the "weak character" conclusion.
However, a check by Malaysiakini showed that the "weak character" remark is not mentioned in the 124-page RCI report.
This is how the gormless government drew the inference.
What if I drew an inference that the MACC officers had the evil intention to break Teoh down to the point that he would be in a suicidal state of mind?
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