A candlelight vigil to commemorate the death of DAP political aide Teoh
Beng Hock in Penang last night turned into a royal commission of inquiry
(RCI)-bashing session with Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi storming, “You have blood on your hands, Putrajaya.
Hell is waiting for you!”
Ooi added that he could continue
swearing but would prefer to fight this battle according to the law.

Ooi (left in photo)
went as far as saying that Teoh's “murderers” are still on the loose
and that party members have much anger to express over the matter but
chose to remain civilised about it and laid the
blame squarely on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration,
saying that it is during his tenure that several tragedies like Teoh's
death have occurred, referring to another death
at another Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) premises
involving customs officer Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamad, who was arrested as
part of a nationwide crackdown against errant customs officers allegedly
guilty of receiving bribes.
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