In a press conference today, Ahmad Ismail, vowed that he would not apologise for his 'racist' remark. Soon after the event, some of his men pulled down the photo of Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon which adorned one of the walls in the party headquarters. Ahmad Ismail was also being 'pro-active', warning the Chinese not to provoke the Malays and Muslims further, thus forcing them to reject the Chinese for the sake of their survival.
I don't know much about the Prophet Mohammed and Islam but I believe a true disciple of Islam would not behave the way Ahmad Ismail did. There was no religious issue in the first place. He was alleged to have made a 'racist' remark.
Lastly, Malaysiakini said - In an immediate reaction, both Abdullah and Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak are expected to meet Ahmad tomorrow. WOW! Looks like besides the Chinese, the PM and DPM also have to 'kowtow' to the DIVISION CHIEF of Bukit Bendera!
This guy is nothing more than a thug and a samseng. How the hell did he get seleted to be a people's representative.
Stand up to him!
they act like non-educated man and also memalukan their own Muslim brother and sister!
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