In a press conference today, Penang Umno came out in full support for Pak Lah and urged the division leaders to honour the 2010 power transition plan. Penang Umno liaison committee deputy chairperson Abdul Rashid Abdullah said it was wrong for party leaders or members to question the plan since the supreme council - Umno's highest decision making body - endorsed it. (Malaysiakini)
Guess who else was at the press conference? The suspended Ahmad Ismail! Malaysiakini reported: Abdul Rashid clarified that Ahmad, who has since been appointed Bukit Bendera adviser, was allowed to attend because his suspension had not taken effect since he has yet to receive an official letter on the matter.
Wow!!! Adviser? Ok, I won't comment on that but The Star Online did say on Sept 10 regarding Ahmad Ismail:
The suspension is effective immediately.
Guess who else was at the press conference? The suspended Ahmad Ismail! Malaysiakini reported: Abdul Rashid clarified that Ahmad, who has since been appointed Bukit Bendera adviser, was allowed to attend because his suspension had not taken effect since he has yet to receive an official letter on the matter.
Wow!!! Adviser? Ok, I won't comment on that but The Star Online did say on Sept 10 regarding Ahmad Ismail:
The suspension is effective immediately.
Why are you surprised? Thats UMNO for you! Just when are you going to get this through your thick head? There is no law on earth that UMNO people need to adhere to. Why cant you understand this?
Lets Abolish ISA = IKUT SUKA AKU!!!
Lets see the news...
A Step To Abolish ISA By 18 people
suspended from all party positions means ini umno language not suspended at all.!
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