Though the Umno supreme council has put off party polls and its AGM to March 2009, Pak Lah may still want to defend his president post. He has two weeks to decide before the divisions begin their meetings on Oct 9. (S0urce: Malaysiakini)
If Pak Lah decides to defend, his fate lies in the quota of 58 divisions. Will he get it?
At press conference, he fumbled when asked on why the party polls had to be delayed to March next year. “Err... memberi apa... apa perkataan tadi... laluan.. (Err... give what... what’s the word just now... way...),” he said, before turning to Najib, who whispered “to facilitate an early transition”. (Source: Malasiakini)
Hmm...I really wish they hadn't push Pak Lah so hard...just stick to the 2010 plan. Poor Pak Lah!

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