Why mess with a mic when searching for your next creative drum sample- instead turn to the page that already does everything for you and “Google it”
Yes, from the servers of the company that made us dumb- and then smart again- comes a new hack that is seriously fun and going seriously viral. A quirky interpretation of German speech means that letter combos like: “pv zk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk” come out sounding just like a beatbox.
It all came from Reddit, with the following instructions:
1) Go to Google Translate
2) Set the translator to translate German to German
3) Copy + paste the following into the translate box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch
4) Click “listen”
5) Be amazed :)
Then came the follow ups!
An instrument list:
zk = suspended cymbal
bschk = snare
pv = brush
bk = bass
tk = flam1
vk = roll tap
kt = flam2
kttp = flam tap
krp = hi hat tap
pv = short roll
th = better hi hat
thp, ds = instant rimshot.
and just a few of the many variations on a theme
The Latin VersionTechnocopter
And Finally, CDM pointed out that its on it sway to becoming a meme
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