A combative Anwar Ibrahim last night urged Pakatan Rakyat supporters to not be swayed by the latest sex scandal allegation against him and focus on the coalition's goal in the Sarawak elections.
Speaking to thousands at a rally at the Melawati indoor stadium in Shah Alam last night, Anwar said the latest allegation - that he was caught on film with a prostitute - was another concerted attempt to derail the opposition's advances, adding that the producers of the scandalous video clip appeared to have Putrajaya's backing.

The crowd let loose hoots of approval when Anwar thundered, saying, “This is the first time in history that you can distribute a pornographic film and be defended by a minister (and even) the prime minister. There is no crime! This means that in this country, they can kill, rape, indulge in graft and show pornographic films and all tutup kes (case closed). Why? Because they are in power.”
Hai yoh. Najib himself had scored many firsts lah...
I have respect for all past PMs but no respect for current PM.
For all I care, he may swear for the umpteenth time that he does not know the murdered Mongolian, I will still have no respect for him until he is tried in the civil court. I am sure this will not happen in all tutup case Malaysia!
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