Tuesday, June 8, 2010

M'sia will not go bankrupt. Another lie by Finance Minister?

Malaysia will not go bankrupt like Iceland and Greece following the nation's success in maintaining its debt level under control and prudent measures taken to reduce debt rate, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak told the Dewan Rakyat today.

He said the federal government's financial position will be carefully planned, constantly monitored and strictly controlled with full responsibility.

On the contrary, Idris Jala said:
To be clear, I said we could go bankrupt IF, and I repeat the word IF we continue with the same trends as in the past 10 over years; based on an annual increase of 12%, our debt will reach 100% of GDP in 2019 (a staggering RM1.158 trillion) and we could potentially go bankrupt then. Together with escalating fiscal deficit exceeding 10%, we could end up in a similar economic situation like Greece and other similar

Compare Najib's statement with Idris'. Najib is very certain that we will not go bankrupt while Idris is being cautious and conservative. I'd rather believe in Idris than Najib who merely pays lip service by making promises.
(Image source: The Sun on June 03, 2010 - pg 16)

1 comment:

shahboy said...

it seem like you are ucky to knew first that malaysia will bankrupt.. so if malaysia do bankpupt is it the change of government will make people safe... im talking about contry not states.. just imagine when PKR controled selangor what actually happened to selangor.. how can party that cannot even control the states will control the country.. mabe by selling this contry to israel.. thats the best result for PKR...



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