Chaos erupted at the MBKS indoor stadium last night immediately after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak left the rally venue as people jostled to get hold of goodie bags containing Tupperware brand containers.

As the rush for goodies grew out of hand, workers were forced to relocate some of the boxes of goodies away from the entrance but as soon as the boxes touched the floor, dozens of people, many of them elderly and children, ripped opened the boxes and carried with them whatever they could.

In the mad scramble, many people fell with at least one elderly lady who was seen rolling on the floor, hanging on to her goodie bag while some who were more patient were content to wait until after the big scrum was over before collecting their share of the goodie bags or boxes of biscuits.
The scene left many journalists and policemen gasping in disbelief.
One participant, a middle-aged man, who declined to be identified, told Malaysiakini that he attended the event because he had read about it in the papers.

An elderly woman said that she was transported by bus with other flat dwellers from Jalan Ban Hock and was unable to get hold of a goodie bag due to the mad rush. A young girl in her mid-teens merely smiled and walked off when queried why she would risk injury to obtain one of the goodie bags.
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